Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Updated Conference Phone

Today’s technological landscape is constantly evolving. Products that were once considered essential in the office place are now seen as obsolescent and outdated, and are being replaced with newer, fresher equipment.

Set-up your Audio and Web Conferences on Tablets & Smartphones by PGi's GlobalMeet
One example of this would be the traditional conference phone. While traditional conference phones are still used by a large number of businesses to meet their audio conferencing needs, the surge of smartphone and tablet users as well as the increasing number of mobile workers has lead to a new era in the way that conferencing services are delivered.

PGi recently conducted a study of C-Suite executives, vice presidents, directors, managers, associates and entry-level workers at companies spanning multiple industries and ranging from less than 10 to over 10,000 employees. In that study, 80% of surveyed workers say their organization offers telecommuting options, and 70% of workers say they telecommute.

In order to keep up with the changing times, conferencing providers have adapted their services to the changing needs of their customers and have made both audio conferencing and web conferencing available on tablets and smartphones. Now, instead of huddling around a conference phone in an office boardroom, company employees are gathering around tablets in any number of places for conference calls. In an effort to make their service more user-friendly, PGi’s GlobalMeet® mobile application offers one-touch entry to your web conference or audio conference, removing the labor and stress from the conferencing user experience.

Not only have conferencing services been made available on these devices with the emergence of mobile apps, but there have also been dramatic improvements to both the technology and infrastructure, which has resulted in enhanced quality, and more consistent connections. And with this advancement, substituting old-school technologies, like conferencing phones, with newer items like tablets will become more practical and profitable.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Reservation-Less Audio Conferencing

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have instant access to a conference call without making a reservation or involving an operator?

Reservation-less audio conferencing is a new innovative way for companies to conduct important business meetings at the drop of a hat. Instead of having to go through an operator to set up the call, professionals would instead just have to pick up the phone, dial their dedicated conferencing line, enter a code, enter a pin number and then be automatically connected to up to hundreds of their employees.

Reservation-Less Audio Conferencing provides instant access to a conference call without making a reservation or involving an operator

This conferencing solution allows professionals to receive:
  • Consistency- Receive stable dial-in information for all calls
  • Convenience – No use of operators, reservations or time limits
  • Easy Use – Control of all the functions from the keypad of the touch tone phone
  • Customization – Customizing of the teleconference call to the specific needs of the moderator of the call
  • Connecting People – Bring together participants for various meetings at any time, customers or employees
In the business world it is important to be able to connect to not only employees but also clients whenever it is needed. It is with these modernizations of the IT world that are making it capable for businesses large and small to become more productive and efficient in the way that they communicate. Even the smallest gain in efficiency and effectiveness could have an influence on a business. That is why audio conference can be considered an important way of communication. With businesses having employees and different work groups scattered across the country or the world, this service allows businesses to save time, money on in-person business meetings and also allows all involved to be in the meeting but yet still remote.

Reservation-less teleconferencing allows professionals to receive a simple and convenient solution to creating better connections between everyone involved. Projects, deadlines, important decisions, and contracts are things that professionals and their teams need to be able to discuss and come together for at a moments notice. It is the most resourceful way for that to happen.